FAFSA Frenzy
This year, FAFSA completion has faced significant challenges due to various unprecedented factors. Thousands of Michigan students still need support to complete the FAFSA, and with summer upon us, it is harder for them to access the necessary support and resources. To help students navigate this evolving environment, MCAN introduced a new short-term grant opportunity: FAFSA Frenzy Grants. These grants are funding FAFSA completion efforts for students currently enrolled in college or those from the class of 2024. MCAN also hired a cohort of Summer Educator FAFSA Specialists to assist students in communities across the state.
Summer Educator FAFSA Specialists (SEFS)
MCAN has enlisted school counselors, higher education professionals, and other educational professionals to support FAFSA completion for students from the classes of 2023 and 2024, as well as currently enrolled college students.
If you are a recent high school graduate or know a recent graduate who needs help completing the FAFSA and/or applying to college, click the link below to access an interest form or use the directory to find a SEFS in your area.
SEFS Directory
Region 1
Haley Rhoades — hrhoades@maresa.org
Region 2
Shelby Richardson — srichardson@harborps.org
Sarah MacLean — slbmaclean@gmail.com
Region 3
(none currently available)
Region 4
Kathryn Goldberg — kathrynggoldberg@gmail.com
Shane Reed — shanemi@umich.edu
Antonio McDaniel — antonio.mcdaniel@hotmail.com
Makenna Dietz — makennaldietz@gmail.com
Lindsay Pulsipher — lpulsipher@muskegonisd.org
Region 5
Matthew Storey — store1md@cmich.edu
Karlie David — kdavid@uprovidence.edu
Nancy Barnes — barnesna@midlandps.org
Marcia Hulett Jones — marciahulett@yahoo.com
Travis Slooter — twsloote@svsu.edu
Region 6
Kiya Storm Parsons— kiyap245@gmail.com
Dena Norrod — dnorrod1@gmail.com
Matt Norrod — finishthefafsa@gmail.com
Brandon Wardlow — bwardlow@phasd.us
Region 7
Sara Becerril — becerril@msu.edu
Alison Marie Hoepfner — alisonhoepfner@gmail.com
Region 8
Benjamin R. Herbert — bherbert41499@gmail.com
Erika Ervin — erikahoward101@gmail.com
Keri Haskins — kerihaskins@gmail.com
Linda Sanford — Lmsanford0379@gmail.com
Region 9
(none currently available)
Region 10
Amina Khan — kaminasefs@outlook.com
Brianna Pannell — pannellb@mail.gvsu.edu
Caitlynn Upton — fa5655@wayne.edu
Debra Wheeler — wheelde@lc-ps.org
Carlotta Prince — rhoad2college@gmail.com
Heather Mitchell — hmmitchell@hfcc.edu
Holly Knick — holly.knick@lpps.info
JaMarah Stovall — stovallj12@gmail.com
Jeanean M. Bryant — jeaneanb2@gmail.com
Jonathan Miller II — jmiller@detroitleadership.org
Katrina Marie Minnis — kmminnis@hfcc.edu
Kiya Barden — bardenk3@gmail.com
Leslie King — lmking0359@gmail.com
Nick Malendowski — nmalendo@emich.edu
Stacey Brown — snwilliams01@yahoo.com
Stacey Hickman-Jackson — shickmanjackson@aim.com
Stacy Hillery — stacyhillery@hotmail.com
Terran Davis Jr. — davist@jrladetroit.com
FAFSA Frenzy Grants
The application period for these grants has ended. Grants of $2,500-20,000 were awarded to Michigan organizations via four pathways:
- PATHWAY 1 — $2,500: Organization agrees to share student name and contact directory information (email/phone) for students from the class of 2024 for the purposes of college recruitment, outreach, and support. This information will be shared with an MCAN-supported FAFSA specialist to provide outreach and FAFSA support.*
- PATHWAY 2 — $5,000: Organization compensates an individual to do outreach to students who have not yet completed their FAFSA and refers students who need FAFSA completion support to an MCAN supported FAFSA specialist.
- PATHWAY 3 — $10,000: Organization compensates an individual who supports outreach and FAFSA completion efforts to students who have not yet completed their FAFSA.
- PATHWAY 4 — $20,000: Pitch us your big idea! This strategy should be focused on FAFSA completion support, not FAFSA completion incentives.
*Only available to high schools
- Michigan high schools
- Community-based nonprofit organizations
- Higher education institutions
All grantees must have a direct connection to students currently enrolled in college or from the class of 2024 who have not yet completed their FAFSA.
If you have any questions about FAFSA completion efforts, please contact Jeneen Hatoum, director of high school innovation.