As director of high school innovation, Jeneen works with schools and districts to strengthen systems and structures that lead to increased postsecondary attainment. Her responsibilities include leading school-based campaigns, grant-making, professional development, school counselor leadership development, and partnership development between K-12 and higher education institutions.
Jeneen brings valuable experience leading systemic innovation at both school and district levels, where her efforts resulted in significant improvements in the structure and practices within schools and a subsequent improvement in student outcomes. Jeneen's work as an assistant principal at a Chicago public high school led to some of the highest growth in college enrollment, scholarships awarded, and early college credential attainment in the city.
As a daughter of an immigrant parent, Jeneen has witnessed how postsecondary access can impact not only an individual, but can change trajectories for generations to follow. Through her college experiences, Jeneen has gained skills and relationships that have fostered her development as a professional. She earned a Bachelor of Arts at Michigan State University and a Master of Education in educational leadership and supervision from Loyola University. Jeneen is dedicated to supporting the college-going journeys of others and creating more equitable paths to postsecondary education.
Outside of work, Jeneen enjoys sketching and painting, as well as spending time in nature and with family.